07 classic vmax build thread

That kit comes with a BOV and waste gate, they aren't the best components but I can upgrade them later. I'll probably leave it at 12 and run a manual boost controller and stick it at around 7 for driving around town lol.

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Did this the other day, soldered leds in too, hot spots like crazy and it's not very bright at all. What leds are other people using? I used 5mm ones from RadioShack.

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I tried the led strip, it looked terrible and was way too bright.

This was with the led strip. Couldn't stand it. Much hot spots. Wow.

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Making some headway on the box today, got the bottom, back and port walls cut. About to attempt the top. The top will be kerfed so I'm gonna cut it a few inches long to leave room for any math errors lol.

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