Your vehicles as they sit now!

Brake stop on a dime and so much pedal feel loving them.






FFB device
Fuck it, buy one and plug the bad one and keep as a spare.


you're fixing it or I'll strangle you

Yeah, let me know how that works out for you. :wank:

Last shot before the drop goes on tomorrow.


In other news, tire is basically fucked, noone wants to attempt to fix it. Do I just replace the one tire or get a pair? 1@170 or 2@275. Tires have no more than 6k on them, haven't done the first rotation yet.

Thought that was a ladder rack in the bed at first. :rofl:


That looks amazing

Muuuuuch better!

Oh my.

Pls clean and take good pics so I can :drool:

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Thanks guys. Took us about 6 hours total. Rubbed like a bitch and bottomed out a ton on the way home. Getting it aligned tomorrow, so hopefully that will take care of the rub up front. I have some mad camber right now. Its 5/7 right now, but seems lower than that. If the alignment doesn't fix the rub it will probably go up to 4/6.