Your vehicles as they sit now!

Thanks guys. Took us about 6 hours total. Rubbed like a bitch and bottomed out a ton on the way home. Getting it aligned tomorrow, so hopefully that will take care of the rub up front. I have some mad camber right now. Its 5/7 right now, but seems lower than that. If the alignment doesn't fix the rub it will probably go up to 4/6.

or you could trim and not let your vagina show
Hell, I'd just rip the liner out if it came down to it. Honestly think its just due to the camber. Looks like a stanced import up front. Prolly -5* on both sides.

hopefully you can get it in spec. Mine was a bitch to get into spec. I trimmed the top liner away, a nice big rectangle out of it.
Fuck yesssssssssssssss. Perfection.