official aSSmeister build

yeah what's up with that? have a sofa bed in my room get your ass up here.

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I'm meeting at James 's house and just following from there. Making one stop in Pennington I believe then to the show

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
cant figure out exhaust set up. pissin me off. ive been SO set on AeroTurbine 3030 for whenever i got my new truck because its stainless, sounds amazing, and only $80. but fgt SS has Dual In system :ayfkm: kicked around the idea of replacing all the pipes to run SI/SO..but not sure if worth it. so just now i was scoping out other DI/SO mufflers. there are VERY few, especially for cheap... :nono:

DNW magnablow or blowmaster unless i absolutely have to. corsa, borla, gibson all too much $$. dynomax didnt have shit. theres spintech..but they might be a tad too deep/loud for what i want. and the stainless option puts them at over $200 anyway.. any ideas?!!?!111.

edit. heres the spintech. Sportsman Street 3447xl

only somewhat decent i found. rest are all baby motors. start from 1:55ish
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magnaflow y pipe to aero 3030 :datass:
:motherofgod: tis exactly what i need, no? then just use one of my current pipes to run to muffler. didnt know they had small y pipes like that, never looked lol
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Lol yep, they exist. If you look around some more, they make some that aren't so expensive. 'Course, I know you need stainless so you might as well go with that one. I vote that with the Aero cuz those sound awesome
Because magna flow is the first choice if you don't like blowmasters, I think he is going for something outside the box, different from the majority. Plus Aero's are the shit. Trying to find one for my brother