Marc new LBZ sort of a Build thread

what am i black!?!?!

i was going to make a formal mention, of the greatness of knowing you latter on... now you ruined it :tableflip:

but Brandon, i also thank you for your great work in this procedures and all my other truck needs

Sent from my b hole
Glad it worked, never tuned a rig thats been tuned before so that kinda threw a wrench in it.
thanks ryan

i am going to drive from Ontario to BC tomorrow, 4400km 2750 miles around 48 hour drive

hope the truck holds up :hahano:
Senor Gray :lol:

Marc how is the truck running??

truck is running great!!! i am at 3600 ish km since i left

tranny is at around 120-140 degrees and engine 150-190...i will most likely be removing my winter guard thing tomorrow at some point