Marc new LBZ sort of a Build thread

I put your tire size in as 305/55/20 since that's what it looks like you have on right now. Speedo should be correct.

Sent the tune to Brandon about a minute ago so he should have it.
Before/after of one of the tables.

i have no clue what i am looking at but i am guessing the bottom one is the old one the top is the new one ? more smooth ?
i am pretty exited to get this tune in !!!

i have no clue what i am looking at but i am guessing the bottom one is the old one the top is the new one ? more smooth ?
i am pretty exited to get this tune in !!!


Yeah, it should be more drivable 1500-1900rpm than it was before. Up top it should be a little quicker too. The tuning I did is definitely stock trans safe though.

If you want we can turn it up a bit more but I'm not responsible for your trans build :corny:

and no problem, glad it worked out that Brandon could pull the tune off. I ended up not being able to do what I wanted to do today and did that instead for about an hour and a half.
made a list of stuff for my brother to do to my truck while i am away for work/holidays for 2 weeks

he will be able to do regular maintenance and he is a diesel mechanic so let me know if there is anything i should add while ive got him around

Brakes front/back- done
Ball joindonet
Windshield done
Transmission service internal+ external filter done
Rear-end fluid + additive done
Transfer-case fluid
Grease front enddone
flush coolantIDGAF

also did serpentine belt
and windshield wipers
and oil change
and fuel filter
and egr blocked and tune tomorrow :pepper: truck should be good to go for a little while
tune wasn't loaded successfully today got some weird code maybe this will be help full to Matt

I need to do some research, never seen something like that before but I've always tuned stock trucks or pulled the tuner off before i read the tune.


you sure you don't have a dsp2 or dsp5 switch hidden somewhere? Check the grommet on the drivers side firewall for an extra wire that runs to the ECM.

The only time that message comes up is when the truck has been tuned with a dsp tune so when you try to read it with EFILive is has those incorrect checksum values.

I can get a stock tune with the correct OS and CALS but when you do that it doesn't always guarantee you won't have little gremlins or hiccups which is what happens when you use another stock file. It happens sometimes not always.

I need your 17 digit VIN to get the correct stock file. PM me as soon as you can and I will redo the tune. Brandon will have to do a full flash on it though.

edit #2

truck could have been tuned with a superchips or PPE as well. When Brandon pulled the tune off did you guys pull the radio fuse, have the heater off and have all the doors closed? Some trucks are more picky than others.
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i do not think brandon did the radio fuse and heater off ....ill pm you

It usually doesn't matter, if I read the tune then that's most likely not the problem so don't freak. If you can't get EFIlive to connect there are little tricks like pulling the radio fuse, heater or a/c off and having the doors closed and lights off.

I think the previous tune is just giving us grief.... sorry man. I'll get it figured out.
It usually doesn't matter, if I read the tune then that's most likely not the problem so don't freak. If you can't get EFIlive to connect there are little tricks like pulling the radio fuse, heater or a/c off and having the doors closed and lights off.

I think the previous tune is just giving us grief.... sorry man. I'll get it figured out.

i was afraid about the tune that was in there...but don't be sorry i hope its fixable if not i will eventually get a new stock ecm and get it tuned
i was afraid about the tune that was in there...but don't be sorry i hope its fixable if not i will eventually get a new stock ecm and get it tuned


Do you know if Brandon locked your the license you bought to that tune? Or did it not let you get that far? Ask him and get back to me. We might run a different OS because your's is rare and I can't find and stock tunes with your OS anywhere. I'll look a bit longer but ask Brandon that if you could.
Well I started from scratch.

I just sent the tune to Brandon... this one doesn't have any checksum inconsistencies but is still your stock OS so there shouldn't be any little gremlins.

I would do a full flash (10-12 minutes vs. 2-3min flash)
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:lemon: well i hope this works !!! thanks for the work your putting in for this Matt, i appreciate it