...your neighbors wash your trucks?
Well back story on it is this:
Me and the wife went out of town for our anniversary and we also were out of town last weekend for Memorial Day. Didn't have time to cut the grass in two weeks so it looked like shit. He cut his over the weekend and decided to do mine also as an anniversary gift. :crazy: When he was done he noticed both trucks were dusty as hell so he decided to wash them for me.
I cut his grass for like 3 months straight after he got out of the hospital because he was shot in the leg. (he is a New Orleans officer). He even told me he moved the trucks to his driveway so they wouldn't get too dirty but they did anyway.
Yes he cut my grass and washed my trucks.
Yes he drove both of my trucks while I wasn't home.
Yes he has the combonation and alarm code to my house.
Yes he is NOPD that I've know for almost a decade.
No I have no problem with it.
He had a bad ass 55 Chevy that was one of the cleanest I've seen but his wife took it in the divorce a few years ago so no pics.

kay: I'd let him wash either of my trucks anytime he wants. He is more of a perfectionist than I am so it's probably better he does it than me anyway.
My guess, neighbor is taking dirty pics or banging his wife and feels bad for him.
srs tho, i'd never wash my neighbors cars, much less cut their grass!