Well, after driving to the store, even at night, visibility is still at least 9/10. If it ever gets taken off I will go back with at least 30%.
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I was always debating between 50 and 35 and I'm gonna go with 35
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Well I'm not too happy with the tint, 40 was a total waste. 35% at the lighest next time around. Still looks good though, I will get some tint on back Windows and see then how it looks.
I actually like that! Looks smoked from the front but still easy to see out of.
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Looking at it now In my driveway, doesn't look as bad lol
that 40 looks gooooooood
I think I'm going to get 50% windshield, 5% brow, 10% sides and back soon. I hope that's enough to keep interior cool this summer. Going to have a exemption done for the roll ups to be legal.