Photography Thread

Search YouTube for CHDK and your camera. You will find tutorials there
No YT vids for my camera

I have it installed on card and update firmware and get all the extra info on the screen when I start the camera but cant figure out how to access the new menus. Everything I see people are pushing the face located button but the camera does not have that button
trying out this camera on the m8
Fuuuuuu do want full frame. Awesome shots as always Geoff. I gotta post some recent stuff of mine, I keep forgetting
Yeah FF is pretty killer for the hour or so I played with it in the yard. I wanted to go to the park with her but she wanted to take a nap instead. Cant argue that one!! haha
Damn man, that's an awesome spot!

yeah dude its super gnarly. tons of waterfalls all over this property. Good times, hiking back there was a bitch though haha. These were also taken with my 50D, the 5D stayed at home, nice and warm. And because I dont have a UWA for FF and the UWA was definitly needed, 10mm FTW!!!
Is your UWA sharp all the time? Mine is weird. It'll auto focus and I'll take the shot. Go look at it afterwards and it isn't tack sharp. Maybe every 1/10 are tack sharp. It's really disappointing because I like the lens, it feels solid and works well, I'm just particular about getting sharp, focused pics.
Unless I miss focus and tell it to focus on somewhere other then where IM looking, its good to do. I would say that unless botched by me, every shot is in focus and sharp. Everything I have posted on here recently has been on my 10-18, minus the 5D pictures.

I walked around Galvestion with it and everything I took was good enough to use.

Sacred Heart Church by G_Anderson, on Flickr

Bishops Palace by G_Anderson, on Flickr
I'm choosing the point.

I just went back and looked pictures I've taken with the lens. It's the 12-28 Tokina. Most of the ones that aren't tack sharp are at the widest end. But it still isn't as consistent as I'd like it to be.

Geoff, I'm taking your lead and looking into FF :crazy: and I may be jumping the Nikon ship while I'm at it.
FF can be done for cheap-ish now, just remember though, reguardless of brand, your lens cost is going to go WAY up unless you find the few random good 3rd party lenses ( ie tamron, sigma ) but even for their good FF stuff its still $$$$

I will post more things to make you FF jealous after this weekend. Be at the lake and doing christmas card photos with the kiddio :pukearainbow:
Yeah I realize that. That's fine, I was at that point with my current equipment. No point in buying cheap glass imo.

I'm just in love with the Canon 16-35 F2.8. The pictures from that lens are magical haha