official aSSmeister build

If it's already prepped that's a lot. But if it needs body work and shit then paint it's not far off. My dad has done some stuff on the side and hoods usually run $400-$600 depending on color and what's fucked on them
So called about a dozen different shops now. Most are 400 range. One said 487 lol another was asking for my Vin number, registration, and last name .. I'm like bitch it's just painting a damn hood lol. Two low estimates I got were 350 and 375

That's more than I even paid for the hood :pissed:

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
Yeah paint work isn't cheap. My buddy that works with me did the light bodywork/priming on his hood and still had to pay $300 just for them to shoot it. $500 isn't bad IMO

Sent from Tapatwat
I can tell you I painted my own HD hood, and it's really a lot of work. Only good news is shooting black is about the easiest color there is, because even a blind monkey with one arm could paint black and make it look good. I'd say go for it yourself if you're confident with painting.
one of the panels worth having a shop do because if its fucked up, its easy to tell

Word, that's why I went to them instead of me and my dad doing it

I can tell you I painted my own HD hood, and it's really a lot of work. Only good news is shooting black is about the easiest color there is, because even a blind monkey with one arm could paint black and make it look good. I'd say go for it yourself if you're confident with painting.

I dont have 4+ hours to spend sanding and painting it all and I wouldn't want to leave it all for my dad to do. He's good at painting, used to paint cars on the side in college, but the only downside is our 'paint booth' which would just be his shop.. A big garage for 18 wheelers lol everything is dirty and I'd hate to mess up on a big, eye catching piece like the hood

&rofl at itguy

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
I guess so. After class today I'll take it to the 350 guy, so ya I'll have it for the meet for sure.

As per the front end, I'm guessing there's about an inch of lean. If I decrank my bars that much I'd have to get a damn alignment. But I'm more concerned about the transfer case. I know the awd cases are very picky about retaining factory, or very close to factory angles

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
Ya another 80 bucks for alignment.. Great.

Just dropped the hood off. 375 out the door, install myself. Primer, base, clear, then buffed. I'll pick it up this time Friday

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore