official aSSmeister build

Typically 30-90 days before you can use any product on it that isn't body shop safe.

Ask the painter and follow their recommendation. They know what they're spraying and they know the cure time.
Hood has been picked up and will sit in my bed till Sunday when I hope to install
I think I'm gonna polish her this spring and lay down some beeds

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
You need some car guy friends. I'd help put that bitch on at 3am. Idgaf, we put my buddies cowl on at 2am and had work at 5am. I stayed up just for that lol

Sent from Tapatwat
You need some car guy friends. I'd help put that bitch on at 3am. Idgaf, we put my buddies cowl on at 2am and had work at 5am. I stayed up just for that lol

Sent from Tapatwat

this..when I got my 06 hood, I went to my brother's house at like 11pm on a friday night and he was having a little party and him and his buddies all came outside and we put it on and shot the bull about truck stuff for the remainder of the night lols.

I'd honestly much rather be working on the truck than partying/drinking/etc.
Hood is on


Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore