official aSSmeister build

As long as I can remember my buddy has never had a front tag and only ever got one ticket for it

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Thanks guys, and thanks for the suggestion! :up:

Thought about taking it off today and cleaning behind, but got caught up in ipod shit. I know a bunch of trucks around here with no plates that don't get bothered. The cops here tend to only mess with certain cars.... :gnomesayin:

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
Plate off

After waterless washed.

Just 2 rounds of rubbing compound then polish with a shitty microfiber cloth


Took black sharpie to the insides of the holes to kinda hid some white

Looks great from a far, but still trash up close lol

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
I'll test the waters for a bit, if they don't bother me I'll look into getting the whole front bumper repainted /holes filled

What a lot of wanna be ricers do here is take the front plate off.. But just throw it on the top of the dash. Technically it's still legal in NJ as long as the plate is visible from the front

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
Scumbag bedrug, only sent 14 pieces of the good, side velcro and 2 thin floor strips.. I need double the amount of pieces. So I left the old floor strips down, put the new good pieces in the higher stress areas, then cut up 1 1/2 of the new strips to fill in the rest of the spots. Hopefully it'll hold this time....

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore
Gets free velcro from Bedrug, calls them scumbags when they don't send enough.

Assmeister logic :themoreyouknow:
What a lot of wanna be ricers do here is take the front plate off.. But just throw it on the top of the dash. Technically it's still legal in NJ as long as the plate is visible from the front

that would nice but here we have to have them mounted on the forward most point of the vehicle tis fckn ghey
im just going to throw a tinted cover with black surround on mine....but its looking good greg cant wait to see it up in the air

That's neat, but I'm way too low for that lol don't really like how it looks like something is just hanging from under the truck though

im gonna try to do my plate there and get some small spikes or something

Small spikes would look good for ya. I don't think I could pull them off right now. Do they make little fill caps or anything?

im just going to throw a tinted cover with black surround on mine....but its looking good greg cant wait to see it up in the air

That works lol thanks, either can I. Debating if I want to do the go fast parts first and have some fun with it while it's low, then go up. Just exhaust, headers, intake, vette servo & shift kit and tune. Buddies keep nagging me to get a cam but that sounds like a lot for the stock trans & all

Sent from my Galaxy S-Fawhore