My first truck! 04

Aaaaaand this is why I stopped getting on the forum... :at2:

Because people voiced their opinions? Come on ayayron, you should know by now that when you post on a forum, people are gonna post their opinions. You might not always like it but it's your truck so you can do whatever the hell you want to it no matter what anybody thinks. If you want to paint it white, paint it white. Hell, if you want to paint it pink and purple on penis wheels, do it. Its YOUR truck.
Don't get mad because people are telling you it's gonna be expensive and not really worth it in their opinion. Look how many times member opinions have helped someone from making a bad decision or helped them in the right direction... That's what we are here for.

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Aaaaaand this is why I stopped getting on the forum... :at2:

Lol dude, don't worry. People just like giving others shit over stuff like this, it isn't new.

Most of us are just trying to have you realize certain things, because we've been there before.

- - - - - - - - - -auto merged double post- - - - - - - - - -

Hell, if you want to paint it pink and purple on penis wheels, do it. Its YOUR truck. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk


srs though, I'll fly out and burn it myself :cheeky:
Don't be afraid to blaze your own path. People have things to say and voice their opinions about my shit everyday, good or bad, ain't care. I have a 10x10 sticker on my back window that shows how many fucks I have to give. The sooner you Learn to make your own path the better off you are and more successful you'll be.
And you'd be surprised how many people's thoughts and opinions change when you are confident about yourself and decisions.
I joined the forum to get help when I asked for it which I rarely get. I understand people are gonna voice their opinions but most of the time people on here are just being dicks for no reason and it's just stupid. I really don't care what people have to say anymore. It's my truck and I'll do with it what I want. I appreciate the positive criticism but telling me shit like "lol ur gonna spend more money on paint than the truck is worth" "why dont you just save us all the trouble and burn that pile of shit" is pathetic. I quit going to shows for the sole reason that I can't stand 90% of the fucktards there. I'm over trying to please anyone with it. Now, don't think I'm coming out of the closet and putting rockstars and lightbars on it. However, I am going to do things to it that are reasonable/affordable when the time comes. It's not a show truck and it never will be one. /rant
Don't be afraid to blaze your own path. People have things to say and voice their opinions about my shit everyday, good or bad, ain't care. I have a 10x10 sticker on my back window that shows how many fucks I have to give. The sooner you Learn to make your own path the better off you are and more successful you'll be.
And you'd be surprised how many people's thoughts and opinions change when you are confident about yourself and decisions.

no i still think you're a piece of shit regardless how confident you are.
Feels thread 2k15 wot in da cuckie

Remember we all gave shit to :alecks: when he was only going to do 50%? So after much fore plAy he bit the pillow and did 35%. Even he said it was a better idea than 50 bro brah. It's just a bunch of opinions/ constructive criticism .

Sent from your girls iPhone.
i think the point of most of the painting posts is, it would be cheaper long term to demod your truck, sell it and buy a white one,

realize this, if you paint the truck the underside is still going to be green, under the hood going to be green.

the only proper way to paint anything is to fully dissassemble and paint everything inside and out. gonna cost a arm and a leg.
before you do anything stupid, please take this post seriously.

I once was bored with my truck, because i modded it in every way possible and loved it. But i was "bored". I got rid of it, not a day goes by i wish i never got rid of it. I kick myself daily because of it. So if you actually listen to something i say, this would be it. If you're bored now, give it three months. Do not do an impulse sale, buy. You WILL regret it. You're bored because you have gone through it and you sit there and spend too much time thinking about it. Spend your time better and get the focus off your truck for a bit and enjoy what you have. its a nice truck even with its faults. Dont rush into a change this big so fast.
Agree. If it isn't already, pay it off and drive the wheels off of it. You're too young to have huge truck payments just to start all over again.