Le slicksierra build thread

20% imo. It's the best balance of darkness and visibility. Plus with the back being 5 it will slightly darken the fronts a little too

sent from your HTC Rezound
^ word. I have 5% back and 18% sides. Perfect for me. I only want to go back so I can have another layer put over the brow to darken that up more
Honestly dude you'll be happy with 20. I thought I wanted 5 and switch to 20 at the last minute and I'm glad I didn't go darker.
I am almost positive I am gonna go with 20 now. Or whatever the shop has thats closest to it. God dammit. I wish V-LED's have 5K strips in stock. I have had strips for my footwells for over a year now but they are from eBay and now that I have 4300K HID's Im pretty sure these shits are like 8000K. Also considering switchbacks but cant decide If I want to give up dat amber. I need to get off the internet its tempting me to spend muh monies
I know how you feel. I was ordering leds for my brothers interior lights in his car and I ended up buying some led backup lights for myself and spent an extra 60 lol.

I sold my switchbacks and went back to amber because I like the look of it. Check out superbrightleds.com for strip lighting...I know they have it but forget pricing.
Yeah I do like the amber for sure but the idea of switchbacks is just sweet. I was thinking since i have the DRL to PRK light mod I could just a combo of one pair of switchback and one pair of regular ambers but Im not sure which bulb to put where or if that will even look good. Thanks I was checking them out before but not for strip lights. Ill give them a second look.
I would do the amber in the stock turn signal spot and switchback in the old drl spot if yoy do it that way imo. Or amber on one side and white on the other :laugh:
Honestly dude you'll be happy with 20. I thought I wanted 5 and switch to 20 at the last minute and I'm glad I didn't go darker.

I am happy with my 20%, I plan on getting it redone(has some nicks) but adding 50% shield and double 5% brow(gotta make it dark as hell to stand out from tinted shield)