Khaos' RCSB Thread

Da mooter came in today:



Been emailing back and forth with BBP to get their input on everything since I'm 99% sure they'll be doing the tuning.

They said 12:1 is a bit much and they'd have to dial back timing a bit to make it safe. They said that 11:1 would be much better and probably be able to make just as much or more power due to less restrictions on what they can do with the timing.

Kind of at a crossroads atm. Found a couple sets of 799/243 heads that are unmilled that I could buy, sell my own, and break even. Just waiting to see what they have to say after this last email and I wanted a few more opinions from people here if they have them.
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On pump 91 my previous 402 was 11.3:1 and held 27* of timing with no KR, this new 404 I'm putting in is 11.5:1, only reason to go 12:1 would be if you were to run E85 or an octane booster at all times. For a street truck I agree with them, 11ish:1 would be better for tuning.
remember you can cut down compression with a thicker head gasket.

You can, but what's important is maintaining a proper quench. Too thick of a gasket and that increases quench, leaving dirty spent air in the cylinder. Changing your HG thickness can also change your PR length if you've already bought those.
Mixed reviews say yes and no, 12:1 is the upper limit of pump gas.

Well, looks like I'll be selling the milled heads and just going with an unmilled 799/243. That should bring me approximately to 11.3:1, which I'm guessing would be more ideal than 12:1.

Sound like a good plan?
Yeah I don't really want to always carry a 5 gal jug of race gas either. So heads are for sale now. I offered them to Taylor since he expressed interest a while back. If he doesn't take them I'll post a thread. Now I gotta buy the 799s on pt before someone else does lol.
Plus I can't miss torque I never knew I had lol. This is gonna make the truck a different animal all together, I think I can live with a little less tq.
thompson is good shit, they are local. I remember those guys being CL fiends forever then they blew up. Plenty of good builds from those guys!
Yeah this is motor #4102 if their numbering is to be believed, so I'm pretty confident with it.

On the hunt for 243/799s now.

Or should I just bit the bullet and get a set of prc stage 1 or 2.5 317s from Texas speed. Input?
Yeah that's kinda where I'm at. That way I know exactly what I'm getting, get the chamber size I want, springs installed, etc.