Khaos' RCSB Thread

I also disabled the auto headlights today so the ballasts don't starve for power at night. I'll do a quick write up on the later with pics for 03+. Took all of 5 minutes.
Thanks guys.

Yeah I'm gonna use those panels. Only reason is because it is significantly cheaper than buying a whole 03+ power dash harness, BCM, door panels and whatever else.

The 99-02 panels and switches are relayed at the switch, so all I need to do is run wires between the doors and get a power and ground. 7 wires total including one for the lights to work.

I have a lead for a set of panels for $150. Not concerned about the color because I'll end up dying them and the rest of the interior pieces. It'll end up costing less than $300 for everything. On a college/part time budget, that's perfect :rofl:
I have a set of 03+ charcoal panels that I just threw in our dumpster because I was tired of looking at them and I hate screwing around with selling them. If you want them I can find a way to ship them. Not sure how much it would be but they have Bose speaker grills and the hole for the heated seat buttons.

I also have the BCM outta my RC and the power windows worked when I had that BCM in. You would just need the door harnesses then. I don't think you need the whole dash harness?
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I wasn't sure, just figured the whole harness would've been needed. I was quoted 50 to ship two panels from some guy on ebay in MN I think, so somewhere around there I guess. PM me a price on them and we can go from there
Yeah dude, definitely. Ebay is your best friend or cl for a part out. All of the part outs by me are thrashed though.
I take a trip to a junk yard about an hour from me. The owner knows me now and remembers me :spendmonies: Last time I walked in he said "What the fuck do you want now?" and started laughing. Then he asked if I wanted some deer jerky :corny:

Dude keeps so many GMT-800's in stock. I just start unbolting shit and get a pile. I set it outside the door to the building and he comes and looks at it and says $100 bucks every time lmao.

I'll go out and dig those panels out of the dumpster... even though it's -5 out. :roflmaonono:

Chris, PM me your number.
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OKay I cleared them. Ended up going to the gym and am going out to dinner now.

I'll sext you though.
I take a trip to a junk yard about an hour from me. The owner knows me now and remembers me :spendmonies: Last time I walked in he said "What the fuck do you want now?" and started laughing. Then he asked if I wanted some deer jerky :corny:

Dude keeps so many GMT-800's in stock. I just start unbolting shit and get a pile. I set it outside the door to the building and he comes and looks at it and says $100 bucks every time lmao.

I'll go out and dig those panels out of the dumpster... even though it's -5 out. :roflmaonono:

I need one of these by me
So just a small update here. Some of you saw in the Vehicles as they sit thread that my alt is on its way out. I went to CarQuest where we usually get all of our parts and got the hookup on a 145A alt and the longer belt for a steal. He had one there for $180 which I was gonna get. He said if I waited til tomorrow he could get me the same one for $99 from another store that he deals with. So I'm picking that one up after work and throwing that on. I'm not concerned if it's an off brand, I just need something that will work for a few years.

Other than that, nothing new on the truck. The retro is tits and I love it. The truck is basically white now from all the salt too :okay: