Your vehicles as they sit now!

It's my dads. Idk why everyone on here dislikes them. They're cool little cars, they're a blast to drive and it gets outrageous fuel mileage.

Not hating on it, just not my cup of tea. They're definitely interesting tho, surprises the hell out of me every time I see one lol. Saw one at a show recently that had a old school Paxton blown 289 and a 4-speed in it
It appears that you are missing something, but I can't quite figure out what....


Funny guy......

Ooh I know I know...

a drop :trollface:


Nope, got that already, oh look there it is.

IMAG0027 by BOO5TED, on Flickr

IMAG2488 by BOO5TED, on Flickr

IMAG2636 by BOO5TED, on Flickr


clean your front rims, they are filthy

It's rained every day for the last 4 days and is supposed to rain everyday until Friday. I'll leave them the way they are thanks.