Your vehicles as they sit now!

Chewy v2 'cept not wrekt. :uw0t:

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Got 35s on my truck. I was going to get Nitto Ridge Grappler ATs but the tire shop next to me bought a truckload of Kumo tires and I got 4 Road Venture MTs for $925 mounted and balanced out the door. I’m happy with them so far. Smooth and pretty quiet.

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Sold my 2012 Silverado and picked up a cheap daily to rock for awhile and save some money since I’m going thru a divorce and changing career paths....2002 Tahoe 5.3 4x4. 200k on the clock with a fresh tranny rebuild. So far I’ve put only about 150 miles on it but I’m loving it. Pics suck I know, but some before and after comparison. threw on some 24” Texas edition reps, demolded(still gotta finish driver side), debadged, removed pinstripe, 5% tint with drop strip.


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Started here

Tried from another angle and ended up stuck


Finally got it out with some rocking, wood, and kitty litter

Mud bawg yeahhhh

Never again will I buy a 2wd truck

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