Your vehicles as they sit now!

Well.... It's been a rough couple of days! Ol' girl didn't deserve to go out like that! RIP RCSB..... :bawl:


Noooo that's one of my favorite trucks on here! As Alecks said hope everyone is okay

sent from my glade air freshner
Thanks guys! I'm ok. Alittle sore from impact/tensing up I guess?!?

I was coming home from looking at a side job. Cruising along following another car, lady comes around corner ahead of us. I can see she's going WAY TOO FAST for the curve, cars leaning, she's crossing the yellow line. I get on the brakes hard in preparation for her to hit vehicle in front of me head on. They somehow JUST miss each other. Lady goes back into her lane for a split second, over corrects, comes right at me! BANG!!!!!! And, it's over!
What an idiot. Flying around a curve, almost hits one person, over corrects, and hits another.
With people like that on the road I wonder how they can fail some people on the driving test.

Glad you're ok. At least it wasn't the 8.1.
shit that sucks man!!

i really liked that little truck.

glad you okay, and hope you can find something to replace it.
Thanks guys! I'm ok. Alittle sore from impact/tensing up I guess?!?

I was coming home from looking at a side job. Cruising along following another car, lady comes around corner ahead of us. I can see she's going WAY TOO FAST for the curve, cars leaning, she's crossing the yellow line. I get on the brakes hard in preparation for her to hit vehicle in front of me head on. They somehow JUST miss each other. Lady goes back into her lane for a split second, over corrects, comes right at me! BANG!!!!!! And, it's over!

Glad you're ok though buddy, hopefully you can find something else just as clean

Sent from your sister's house