dat blown clutch
Sick car tho, white z06 is a deadly looking car
fronts got tint matched today
Not a Z06 :read: pre-Z06 FRC. Truck is looking good though.
[QUOTE="maxh, post: 51328"]Last night outta the car wash
[QUOTE="Sanative, post: 51357"]
and 250k here finally :cheeky:
[QUOTE="Will, post: 51360"]Damn, and I felt bad going over 100k in the bu' this week! [IMG]http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/197642_4204520920189_34022516_n.jpg[IMG]
Yes, my dash is covered in dash! :eek:[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE="BOO5TED, post: 51542"][img]http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8002/7434393442_3f3c4f4154_b.jpg[img][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE="BuMpErS, post: 51610"][IMG]http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l305/gbump_06/Snapbucket/EBE878C4-orig.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]
Finally washed the Mazda after a few months, de-80s it.