Welsh907's winter build

Busted the truck out this weekend.
Made 6 passes.
Best pass was at 1000 ft leaving at Idle.
Leaving at idle it had a 1.16 60 ft, lifted and dumped the parachute at 1000 ft and coasted to 8.61 at 133 mph.
So do moose run anywhere they want up there or do y'all have one as a pet?

Or is it mooses, or meeces, or mooples?
jested at your moose selfie

You mean dis one?

So do moose run anywhere they want up there or do y'all have one as a pet?

Or is it mooses, or meeces, or mooples?
It's moose for a single or multiple.

They run free. I'll be cocky and get close, but one gives me a wrong look and I'll bolt.

One on the left is in the ~800 pounds

Momma on the right is about 1200-1300 pounds
I guess they dont really see the threat from a sub 200 pound human when they have 8-10x the size advantage.

Only ones I saw in AK were way off in the distance, still huge bitches. Saw 2 bulls in CO, but they werent young and kinda small.
I guess they dont really see the threat from a sub 200 pound human when they have 8-10x the size advantage.

Only ones I saw in AK were way off in the distance, still huge bitches. Saw 2 bulls in CO, but they werent young and kinda small.

They don't see a threat until you get between them and their calves. Then it's game on and you better be able to run. They don't hesitate to clear a 6 ft fence, chase you down and trample your ass.