Static NNBS (GMT-900 07-13)

Fucking do it!

Here's a better angle for you lol

#1 what's that bar under your leafs do
#2 is the framed painted or is it just super clean? It looks like you cleaned and painted that shit along with your leafs
Frame painted with Rust Check Hi-Build Stone Shield. Its textured a bit and very durable, lays down awesome. Only sold in Canada i believe. I had the leafs right off the truck to push out the original bushings up front and replace them with the solid ones for the caltracs. Everything was sprayed and reassembled. Caltracs were done in relation the my motor build that i just finished. Im going to create a build thread once this is all finished, my time is just better spent trying to get this thing done atm. Thanks for the comments.
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