RCSB Derpamax Build

lol work truck that you've put this much time into huh? Not gonna lie, it's gonna be sick when done and if I had the money i'd do it myself.

Its going to be my DD for work so yep haha.

dats bamf


Lookin good

Appreciate it!

:titties: So is it something like the pearl white the new ferds come in? I love that color

No its GM Summit white with 3 coats of pearl on top..and 2 coats of clear.

The pearl coats are 10% pearl and 90% mid coat


nice looks OEM

It's a little more flat looking than OE. We grabbed the wrong can... it was supposed to be semi-gloss but it's just flat. I dould have gone over it but I like it how it is.

Looks tits, can't wait to see it done

Me either! Hoping by next week the exterior will be all together then I can piece together the inside.

Need moar pics imo

Got my new trans crossmember today, old one was FUBAR'd from whatever the truck hit. I need to blast that and paint it up nice.

primed the mirror plastics and handles today and they are like glass. Going to hit them with 400 wet and they will be ready. Might try to find some chrome pulls but for now they will be color matched.

My CC in the snow :(

Plastic adhesion promoter

Another shot of the paint

I forget to take pictures because I just get caught up in doing it. Trying to get it mostly done before I go back to working my regular 7-5 job. Won't have any time other than the weekends to get it done. Our shitty weather sure has helped me though.
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That's exactly how I set up and taped my mirror pieces when we painted too. Glad to see other people care to do it right and take the whole mirror apart, not just paint it all together.
That's exactly how I set up and taped my mirror pieces when we painted too. Glad to see other people care to do it right and take the whole mirror apart, not just paint it all together.

Yeah it bugs me. It takes 5 minutes tops to take those mirrors apart.... maybe 15 to put them back together. I see people just tape the mirrors up and half-ass sand them and it looks like dog shit because its so hard to get everything and not run the paint somewhere..... but most don't notice because you have to get within 5 feet to see how shitty they look.

Oh well. When their shit flakes off joke's on them lol.
Mirrors are almost done with sanding 400 grit






Sanding and buffing the whole cab tomorrow.

Also brought the bed in for some sanding and little bit of body work it needs
Finished sanding the mirrors

brought the bed in and doing some work on it.

Spot sanding before wet sanding

Getting rid of these

went over it with 1500

Wet sanded with 2000 and ready to buff