Neglected bagged truck

I talked myself into buying the compete MMW kit and have been looking at there watts link aswell. By the time I order new bushing, lower arms (Either after market or OEM), ball joints all around and spindles; then have them shipped, pay duty, brokerage fee's and exchange I am about even at buying this kit. The bonus with this kit is do it once, do it right and IF i even decide to go larger, I can or the person who owns it next. MMW is only a 3 hour drive plus I found a sandblaster at HarborFreight I want to buy. Drive across pick everything up claim sandblaster and save $270 just in duty and taxes, plus shipping and brokerage fee's :cool:

I cut corners first time around. NOT this time.

Pics of Watts link:



Well I now have air! My York 209 compressor is hating life (sounds rough), but I oiled her up and ran it with the line off it for a while, checked the oil and it was pretty dirty so tore it off drained it and put fresh in, hooked up lines and she filled it to 175PSI no issues. I went to air up the rear to start working out why my switches don't work and it started raining. The joy's of having no roof on your shop and a 10* slope. Got wet quick.

Also I was bored today in class so I made a full 2Do list as follows:

[ ] Lift cab
[ ] Build stand to hold box, and place box on it (I have VERY limited space so if it's on a stand I can still roll frame under it.
[ ] Replace all brake lines
[ ] Re plumb whole air system and move front valves to the front
[ ] replace brake components. I might be able to save calipers. If so I'm gonna smooth them and paint copper
[ ] install MMW front end
[ ] Paint frame with stone shield
[ ] bitch needs a freaking tune up BAD
[ ] Tub front and rear and weld up box
[ ] Purchase entire adams line and wetsand, seal and polish
[ ] Get dem Katzkins
[ ] Install power windows
[ ] Install power doors
[ ] Swap interior
[ ] powder coat a bunch of stuff copper
[ ] New hubs
[ ] Sand rear end and powdercoat copper
[ ] spray under box and cab with stone shield
[ ]

Pretty sure I have forgot stuff and will come across more as I go. Just guessing on pricing I'm looking at just a bit over $7k to get her pretty decent.

PLease add or give input if you think something should be different.

Pic of dat wet bish:

You can also see a bit of the orange pearl in the cream.
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well finally had a clear day! I had a few to many last night and didn't wake up till 9:00 (planned on getting up at 7:00, but I didn't account for the partying), it was a rough slow start. Finally started working on her at 11:00 and most of the fluids are topped up and she is running smooth now. I spent the last 2 hours trying to troubleshoot my electrical issue with with valves. I gave up have ripped it all out. Gonna just half ass it now until it's down to bare frame and rerun everything then. I couldn't wait any longer so when I had the wheels off to inspect damage I test for dem rims. Neither frontor rear will lay. front is about 2" away and the rear about 1" from laying. The front suspension is maxed out and the tire hits the inner fender. The rear rubs everything and will need quite a bit of cutting. Also attached is a pic of my brakes.

Front end will go, eventually but that is LONG term.

Also found all the parts I need to upgrade to power windows, mirrors and doors: actuators, regulators, linkage and harness for $300. Going to tear it out tomorrow evening and hopefully install new interior throughout the week.
Save your money on HF blaster and buy the TP Tools kit and build your own. Actually get a big enough work space and better quality. Kick myself in the ass now. And I only gave $90 for the big HF cabinet lol
I don't have a welder or anything to build it all. I'll happily spend the $209 of a 3'X2'x2' box. I was going to pay $275 alone to have my 5" Duramax exhaust blasted so the way I see it I walk away even. HF has lots of good reviews too. PLus I need to claim something coming across back to Canada.

Picked up all power stuff today. The power window assemblies where trash so I walked away with the door regulators and harnesses for a really good price. I am purchasing regulator's and the under dash harness from a member on here.
I googled, I am can't justifty spending $900+ for sand blaster. From what I have found the HF will be able to do what I want it too.

Mocked up the new door panels.

and dirty D out front
As for the poo brown carget, I'm also ordering a pile of suede to do the both door inserts, head liners and maybe fold down sun visors. Just don't want to over do it.
thats the darkest tan interior i have seen in a GM, are the stock truck ones?

yup OEM interior. I believe it was only in the early 99-02's seeing as I can't seem to track down a newer center console.

as for closing thread I don't think so Cody. Been collecting parts. I have 90% of the 01-02HD front end and will be ordering the rest when funds allow. Caddy clip maybe sold but I won't hold my breath until money is in hand.

Also picked color the truck will be painted but that won't happen until the early spring at the earliest. Will be tearing into her tomorrow after work weather permitting.

pics of paint:



