What is it wrapped in?
Sent from my potato
Not sure, its not velvet but its soft and comfy with the foam so i picked it
What's that box tuned too?
Sent from Tapashit
Haven't tuned it yet
Different for sure. This man likes his tunes! I thought for sure you would do a behind-the-seat solution.
I bet it looks pretty cool in person, the pic probably doesn't do it justice.
Yeah, i never really have three people in it and i really just needed more space so i figured a console would do the trick.
Any reason why you made it ported, and more specifically towards the front?
I think it looks good, but my friends would probably always be throwing garbage in the port hole lol
Mostly looks but i almost never have someone else in it let alone let it get cluttered. it wouldnt work ported out the back and i didnt want to do it out a side because of ocd. i would hate having a hole on one side and not the other haha. but i was thinking about putting a grille over it anyways just in case.
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