My first truck! 04

What plastics are you painting? Rear bumper? lower valence?
Yep. Everything else is done already.

If I were to do it all over again, I would have painted my bumper and left the plastic alone. I was always nervous to step on my plastic after I got it done so a bit of the "using it as a truck" factor went out the window.

I hate the textured plastics lol. And I'm not too worried about stepping on the rear plastics because I never do as it is. I either step on the hitch or open the tailgate and jump on to it bevause I never want to get the plastics dirty, especially if I had just dressed them after a wash.
If you want to paint the mirrors, they are a harder plastic so you can sand with 150/220 to remove the texture, then 400 and adhesion promote and prime, then I sand with 600 before painting my base and clear. The bumper plastic, tailgate cap, and lower valance are more of a rubbery plastic, so I would just scuff them with 320/400 and shoot the adhesion promoter and primer, trying to completely smooth them doesn't work well because it leaves behind big scratches that are hard to get out.
I used filler primer on my bumper plastics, smooth as a baby's ass lol.

Yeah I've seen a lot of them done, just wanted to caution him not to try to sand all the texture out because it leaves deep scratches. I did too much when I painted my tailgate cap and you can see the scratches in it still
When I did my mirrors and front bumper cap, I sanded them smooth.
With my ford mirrors, I'll just be using filler primer and sanding that smooth.
Way easier
Would like to sand those raised parts completely off if possible. I've never seen it done, haven't looked at it to see if it can be done. If not, prob just spray it with filler primer a couple times then sand the raised parts a little bit.

Also, fkn blend unit is going out. Will have ac on and my side will get hot but pass side still blows cold. Fffuuu
Oh. Yeah I heard there was something way up in the dash that was a pita to replace and with my luck, it's prob what needs to be replaced. :fp:
Heater issue? Musta missed it, what's it doing? But I can say this, there are a total of 3 blend doors and each has it's own actuator. Except for the low one that's up by the front of the console, they're a bitch and a half to change. Gotta tear the wholeeeeee damn dash apart. I did all 3 in my old truck. Twice, cuz I messed up the "install sweep" process. Since it sounds like you're gonna have to do one, I suggest just doing them all while you're in there. Then drive around with the dash apart for the first day or 2 just in case one decides to take a shit on you

**edit. One is down low, but the front passenger side of the console. You can see it to the left of the big HVAC cover in the footwell. One is in the middle-ish kinda behind the radio area and the 3rd is all the way up high on the passenger side IIRC
Yeah. When I have the ac on, the driver side will start blowing hot after a little while but the passenger side will still be cold. I had one of them replaced in 2013 but idk which one it was. I do know that the issue at the time was that the air would only blow out of the defrost vents no matter what setting it was on.
Yup, my old truck did the same thing just backwards. AC worked great on drivers side, only heat came out of the passenger side. I don't remember which actuator/blend door does what, like I said I just did all 3 while I was in there.