My first truck! 04

Guy wants to trade 20x12 hostages on mud grapplers for my preds and toyos. I think I might just trade rims. I don't really care for fuel wheels but I do want x12s

Trade is for the preds :read: plz go with weld comments. You're beating a dead horse...
I know.. Hence why I said burn the welds, because they will still be in your possession after the trade. So :read: :read:

Edit. But just checked the last page. I'm still having brake issues as well. Changed the pads but now the rear pass smokes and the driver just generates a ton of heat. Took apart once more to check the pins and make sure it was all sliding good. It was. So now we're down to thinking maybe a caliper or like they said.. The hose is blocked on the inside from the caliper falling off while apart
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No, young boy, daddy actually just makes that much

Quit setting your sights on some piddly unstable 80k oilfield welding job, work hard and get educated. That I will encourage you to do

Every dollar of debt I have, I have a dollar of cash to back it.
Somewhat like the gold standard theory.
And by debt I don't mean liabilities - i.e cars, boats, credit cards.
By debt I mean asset
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Idc how much someone says they can make in a trade or a job. You are always going to cap your earning potential prematurely.
You can only earn as much as you yourself can work.
Only way to expand your earning potential is by a business, and with employees that allow you to multiply yourself over and over.
jmo should open a lil auto center at his gas station and tex and greg can do all the brake installs for his customer's vehicles imo

Idc how much someone says they can make in a trade or a job. You are always going to cap your earning potential prematurely.
You can only earn as much as you yourself can work.
Only way to expand your earning potential is by a business, and with employees that allow you to multiply yourself over and over.

Actual great advice imo.

Majority of wealthy people have a business of some sort, and usually more than one form of income.

Get past the fact that he doesn't like your welds and listen to the advice he just posted. Don't limit yourself.
Idc how much someone says they can make in a trade or a job. You are always going to cap your earning potential prematurely.
You can only earn as much as you yourself can work.
Only way to expand your earning potential is by a business, and with employees that allow you to multiply yourself over and over.

Jmo for president 2016

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