My 95 OBS

You don't have to cut them. Its doable even without the little tool.

Sent from my teepee

how would i go about getting it out? a punch and hammer? the writeup i saw on gmt400 (which ironically was typed up by Ginger)

So now what? Well for me it was time to get the old roller assembly out of there for replacement. The bitch of this is that the factory basically inserts the roller into the hinge holes and then mushrooms the head to keep it in place. I ended up taking a dremel tool to the head with a cut-off wheel to eat it up enough to drive on through.




Then i drove it out towards the ground with a punch and hammer.

You'll also notice i taped up the area before i went to work with the dremel. In case i got a little wild this would provide me some buffer between the paint.
Now to insert the new door roller. This was tricky. The first attempt was a no go. I guess the ckresto part had a slightly larger diameter than the factory pin because it would not go no matter how much the hammer was used. I pulled out the dremel again with a sanding drum and enlarged and cleaned out the hole just a little bit. Then at the advice of my father i put the roller in the freezer for 30 minutes thinking it would shrink a little and go in easier. I really think it helped.



When i felt the hole was large enough i ran in and grabbed the now cold roller and slipped it up in their quickly and hammer it home. Worked like a charm.

I skipped a few steps but you can now drive out the old bushings and drive in the new ones.




Now is a good time to throw out there that for the upper hinge the bushings are in the part of the hinge attached to the body. For the lower hinge the bushings are in the part of the hinge attached to the door. All bushings need to be driven in from the outside of the hinge as is shown in the above pictures. My father actually installed the bushings in my drivers door the reverse way. He drove them in from the inside of the hinge bucket. I didn't catch this when we were putting the door back on and consequently broke the two bushings. A quick trip to the auto parts store and i had two more bushings. No harm, no foul.

So at this point you have your new roller in and your new bushings installed so you are about ready to put the door back on. As with the roller previously, i put the hinge pins in the freezer before hand to get them cold and hopefully shrink them some.

Once again this part is a two man job. Grab the door and line it up properly with the hinge buckets and insert the pins. On one end of the pins there are knurles(sp.) that basically give the pins a press fit in one side of the hinge buckets. With the pins in take a hammer or pair of channel locks and drive the pins on down home.

Now you can compress your spring and put it back into the door.


Now repeat for the other side if necessary. It took my father and i about 3 hours to do this job. As usual the second door was much easier than the first. I would also recommend only doing one door at a time so you can jump over to the still intact side to see exactly how the pins and bushings go. I had to do this a few times.
Did a little work (painted frame)

Truck is dirty so gimme some slack on that.








although it doesnt look like much imo it looks alot better then the dirty discolored frame!
So my dads friend called us up needing us to come help him pull his boat out. He has a nnbs 2500hd 2wd and couldnt get it out.
We owed him one for driving 6 hrs to trailer us back home in my parents yukon!
Pulled my truck in threw it in 4wd and pulled it out! that thing will do about 70 in the water!


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Alright everyone for those of you who didnt know (probably most) my truck and myself were filmed in a movie a while back, i just found out from the fb page that its scheduled to be released NOV. 8th, its called August Osage County (after the play for those who know of it)

juliette lewis
meryl streep
juliana nicholson
juliet roberts
ewan mcgregor (obi-wan kenobi from star wars episode 3 revenge of the sith)

produced by george clooney.

It was awesome experiencing all the things they do to get the perfect shot and the whole environment while filming.

in one scene im sat at the table right beside the table that juliette lewis, juliet lewis, and juliana nicholson are seated at, george clooney himself was walking around normal in jeans and a t-shirt (had to do a double take when i first saw him, didnt recognize him), all the actors were down to earth, i personally didnt get to talk to them but from what i was around they were awesome!

imdb page
August: Osage County (2013) - IMDb

fb page

heres a couple ty cell pics of the truck where it was parked in one shot
didnt have to worry about the no phone thing in these two bc i was hidden by a wall and not in the shot


trying to be stealthy (not allowed to have phones on the film set)

Thats awesome, I was on a rachel ray show haha, they did a thing on some restaurant here in Maine and wanted to get some farm video so they had me do some tractor work and picking some things