Qiuck Q.. I am a welder and also have access to benders so i can make my own notch. I am gonna make one like McG's so i dont have to cut the bed.. Can someone tell me how thick the plate is for the notch?? I was thinking about using 3/8 or 1/2.. Also the measurement for how high to make the notch or how high to cut into the frame?? Thanks guys
I would do a underbed step notch its easier to make than a bolt in and gives you a lot more clearance...
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Looks good, here is what mine looks like.
Just ordered it this morning.![]()
loops are what the belt goes through on your pants, notches are how the belt holds itself to the buckle :facepalm:
the science has been dropped...
Why didn't I see this before I ordered my DJm notch? sheesh...
I gottabe honest guys. All this shit talk on DJM notches. Unless you personally have seen it happen, don't spread those negative reviews. I've never seen it, just heard about it. I've also heard about Bigfoot being real......... I've had a DJM notch over a year and I've hauled stuff so heavy that my bed floor is bent. I just think it isn't fair to the company as far as I'm concerened produces quality stuff.