If your radar detector read the cop the cop read you.
My valentine one works wonders. Can't even tell you how many times it has saved me. Next car I will probably get a escort 9500ci.
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I'd love to have a passport max but DNW to spend $500, my Solo S3 does just fine.
For $500 it better fucking be. :rofltank:
Lol at ppl still using radar detectors. I thought they died out in 2000
Speeding to get somewhere a couple seconds or minutes before I would going the speed limit wouldn't justify my purchase of a $500 radar detector. Not to mention still risking a 1-200 ticket and more gas consumption.
Agreed. I drive 30 miles each way to work 80% highway. One way is late at night. Set the cruise 5-10 over depending on the speed limit and go. Never have issues. Pass speed traps without issues. The amount of time you save is not worth it. Plus anything over 70 and my car's milage starts to go down.
Brb, starting radar detector thread or just renaming this one lol
:rofl: I might as well make a jsp bullshit thread in the lounge :lol:
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Aren't all your threads that anyways?