drunk lady hits my truck....carnage and advice for rebuild parts

tell him no, that means that your insurance is gonna go up too.

Tell him you aint paying shit. that drunk bitch has to pay for it. you werent even in the truck let alone driving it when it happened.

grow the balls to tell him or your gonna be fucked out of money for the next 3 years because it will jack your rate up for that long.
Here the breakdowns.


if you look at the estimate, it says a/m on aftermarket parts. the cap is an oem part. who came out and wrote the estimate your insurance or hers? it should have been hers. like stated you shouldn't be coming any out of pocket.
tell him no, that means that your insurance is gonna go up too.

Tell him you aint paying shit. that drunk bitch has to pay for it. you werent even in the truck let alone driving it when it happened.

grow the balls to tell him or your gonna be fucked out of money for the next 3 years because it will jack your rate up for that long.
this. would have denied check told him no. By you accepting that check you just admitted guilt because you're paying deductible. :fp:
my insurance guy said it would take a while to get estimate from her insurance. i mean i may still wait for her insurance because the check is in my dads name since its his policy even though i make the payments.
my insurance guy said it would take a while to get estimate from her insurance. i mean i may still wait for her insurance because the check is in my dads name since its his policy even though i make the payments.

why would you think to even make any progress as to if this was your fault? you getting your adjuster there, you getting your shit fixed before her taking blame is stupid. their insurance is probably just waiting for you because if you accept repairs they can make it seem like you took responsibility. Stop doing shit, stop trying to fix your truck. wait for them. have your insurance harass them until shit starts to move. Thats what you fucking pay them for.
He cut me a check for 100 less than estimate. I'm going through mine because she admitted guilt and they are going after her insurance to get the money not me. This is the fastest way for things to get taken care of. No rates will rise it's not showing I'm at fault for the accident by accepting my insurances check.
Holy hell that's cheap. I got $1300 for being rear ended in my first mustang the first time and all it did was scuff the rear bumper cover and break a tail light. The second time I got $1800 and all it did was fuck the rear bumper cover, break a tail light, bend in my trunk pan a tad, and bend the rear crash bar. You definitely should be getting more than that. I'd seriously be worried about the steering
You are being fucked imo. Axle. Rack. Depreciation. All are fair. I never once dealt with my insurance when I got hit. I took those fuckers to the cleaners on the sierra.
Agree that's really low. I was rear ended on the highway with no mechanical damage only fucked up the left bottom rear of my bed and bent my exhaust. That was around 2500. I made the guys insurance pay for a rental truck (they offered a car at first and I said no I need a 4x4 truck for work, which your client damaged) and they paid to have my exhaust work redone at the shop it was originally done.
Sounds like you need to wise up refuse the check and start hounding this bish insurance if your half ass company won't
Yeah forgot to add, my insurance was never really involved. I just called them to inform them of what happened and to give them the other persons info. I and my insurance hounded them till the came and looked at the car. The other people's insurance company did all the leg work, I just told them I wanted 2 estimates. 1 for a shop estimate and one a cash estimate. I obviously took the cash and fixed myself
james you dont have the original receipt for them wheels do you? I just gave him a ballpark figure for 300-400 for replacement if they still make that size/color combo.

Sorry bud. A lots happened in 7 years since I bought them lol

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