Chewy's millenium dmax

Update. nothing has been put on yet :lol:

Just got this in

Waiting to get a day to put tires on the lml 20s and I have CM tows on the way. Good news is that i spoke with one of our pipe salesmen and he's getting a new truck. I talked him into trading bumpers plus cash on his end. He'll get back with me next week, so fingers crossed on that.

On another note, these spacers are huge.
Anyone wanna buy it? Probably going to sell very soon. Either going back to an LBZ or getting a new '14 1500. I'll put up updated pictures and what not later.

And no, nothing has yet to be put on lolol
Anyone wanna buy it? Probably going to sell very soon. Either going back to an LBZ or getting a new '14 1500. I'll put up updated pictures and what not later.

And no, nothing has yet to be put on lolol

buy my truck
Marc they don't make lbzs anymore hold on to what you got fgt

Sent in limp mode.