The pics from inside the truck went like this

Nice cutoff
Wow such light
Holy fuck turn off the sun



It really is simple as hell Ryan, what'd we use on my truck Tony, like 3 or 4 washers on each bolt? Cutting the bracket is the hardest part, once you get the bumper off it's blatantly obvious

Yeah, I think it was four on yours but you also had the pucks from the BL too.

I dislike the bumpers raised that high. Just imo. I think stock 1500 height is perfect.

Me too but my bumper for some reason had the widest gap I've ever seen on a 1500, maybe she was a slut in her previous life. :shrug:
I dislike the bumpers raised that high. Just imo. I think stock 1500 height is perfect.


Old bumper gap:


New bumper gap with sag (aka I need to redrill the outerbrackets to fix the sag. I'll have the bumper off again to replace my bumper skin that I fuckin cracked this winter :rage:)

tony do you still have the link to those ebay gmc tail lights with red reflector?

nm found them
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So some more lighting on the truck.


Top is before with three DDM 9 led festoon, bottom is after with only one of the new lights.



Filthy truck is filthy, :okay:
No, :rofl:.

It's back to stock with only the center as the dome and the two on the outside controlled by the two buttons. Only issue now is that fgt GM limits the current to the outside ones so they are only half as bright as the center is. Will have to do some playing around with diodes to see if I can bypass the limitation.

I do have that extra 20" in the closet right now.

But seriously, I forgot to remove the wiring when I put the new lights in. When I plugged in the housing all three came on and just about blinded me, was seeing three sets of six little dots for about 8 minutes.
I saw some on amazon that claimed they were 5K buy was tired of trying different bulbs and them still being 8k.
But seriously, I forgot to remove the wiring when I put the new lights in. When I plugged in the housing all three came on and just about blinded me, was seeing three sets of six little dots for about 8 minutes.

Have diagram of said wiring? Wanted to do this but wasn't sure where to start