Your vehicles as they sit now!

I'm so ready for the rain to stop. All the snow has been great for business and the ample water supply will make for a great summer but damn I'm tired of the rain and gloom.
I pulled the bike out and rode to breakfast and work. Feels great to see the sun lol

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yeah i was pretty pissed when i woke up Saturday and it was pissing rain all fucking day.
Switched up the trunk on my wife’s GS just in time to take it to a show in Chattanooga. Replaced the tank with a Tiffany Blue seamless tank and added polished hardlines and tank straps. We were a booth car for Luxury Abstract.



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a nice CVT system would look tits in there

Yeah. They are ok. But I’m not a big fan of them. We put in one and it came back about six weeks later not working. Plus we’ve replaced two other ones that other shops have installed.

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