Your vehicles as they sit now!

You definitely had the right of way, even if it was a yellow light. He had to cross lanes of traffic (mathistown - > road across from it) to make his turn, you didn't.
tis what i thought too, so i wasnt worried at all. but my dad said that because i hit him in the rear end of the bed, i may at fault for failing to control my vehicle since he was ahead of me and i should have seen him & hit the brakes. i didnt see em at all cause i was looking into the turn. he deals with accident shit all the time with the trucking company, and said sometimes shit just works out weird.
What Chris and Bryan said, you had the right of way. Him crossing lanes of traffic puts him at fault. Sucks about the situation though. I know you just want to get rid of the damn thing.
Dat spare tire.


Few pics from mini meet last night.




And finally, :jared: Dat ass. :datass:

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