Your vehicles as they sit now!



Me and the girlfriend detailed truck inside and out today... Must say the interior hasnt looked this good in a very long time thanks to her....

Oh and hurrrrs another quick pic at the HS getting things ready for the senior walk tomorrow night... :secret:

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Looks good..It looks bagged in the 2nd pic lol. God enjoy your crew cab! Must be nice.

Thanks bro, yeah I was flexin' on a city rain drain. Hahaa

Wait your in highschool? Thought you were older by your masculine truck.

Girlfriend is in HS, ive been in college last year and a half.. Even though I just turned 18, haha. I got my grad papers the other day but wont be active until May 18th but im not going to walk I just want my paper so I can be DONE.
Taking it to girlfriends Dad's body shop tomorrow. Should have it back Tues-Wed all done.