I need to do mine..I pulled my liners cuz they were rubbing but now from an angle you can see white in there and it doesn't look right to me
You removing z71 while your at it? :cheeky:
How many cans did you use?
Aww come onNah that's staying lol
sent from your HTC Rezound
Maybe half a can. Only did one coat
Sweet, what's the dry time like?Yea took no time at all. Also painted my transmission cooler mount. Not with the undercoating lol
Gotta keep er stock for selling!
sent from your HTC Rezound
Remove, buy cheap replacements off eBay, rock truck until time to sell, put said replacement decals on = prawfit
Sweetcan says 10 - 12 minutes
Your relentless :crossarms: haha I'm not worrying about no sticker right now :crazy:
sent from your HTC Rezound
Dfw black, looks good man.
Gannon approves this message.
Nice car but she needs to do the entire marathon next time.