Your vehicles as they sit now!

Trade? I mean I know you'd love a single can, right? Lol. I need something like your truck in my life.

Lol you can find one in better shape . I need to have the truck repainted . Rather have your truck with my motor
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That trailer is adorable.

Put all the weight on the tongue.

Sent from your girls iPhone.

I don't see a problem. 8 lug tandem axles can support way more than what's on there now. Because its a multi purpose trailer and has rails it's cute? What's your logic?

Because heaven forbid he sees something that Alecks posted and doesn't give him shit for it. This instance is awesome though. Trailer's more than adequate so plzgo.

Sent from your sister's house
Holy shit. Do you actually get 500 miles out of a tank?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First its ever had 500+ in range. Normally says 480-490. Been grandpawing lately though. Ive gotten fuel at 487 before. To scared to keep going lol. Light was on.
That's insane. I struggle to be able to fuel up at 300 miles lmao

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That hybrid lol

This dirty bish chillin downtown....hasn't been washed in a minute, love/hate with this color lol

I feel the same way of my truck color. White was so much better to maintain clean


White easier to keep clean than blue? :fulloffuck: my truck looks like it stays clean far beyond the point it would if were white