Welsh907's winter build

This shits turning into Gmfs quickly. Might as well quit posting here and just pm Brett when I have questions since everyone here wants to be a fgt about everything.

:woahbro: no need to get your panties in a wad. Just post and keep going and not worry about it. I read over your thread, I agree with some stuff and disagree with others. People joking with you isn't going to keep people from keeping up with your build and reading.
I agree with him. I may not agree with it but I'm still interested in the build. I didn't mean to offend if that's what you think... Sent from my DROID RAZR M using Tapatalk 2
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True. Fuck it.
I would like this to be informational. Maybe give someone an idea and not have to scroll through all the stupid unnecessary bull shit that people have to say.

I could be a fucking fgt and post Cody's wife's tits all over the web but I actually have respect for people and don't do that.
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Well, I've decided that I'm one of the most indecisive fucks on the planet.
I cannot decide on a color. I have decided to rock my black rims for the summer until I can swap over to a set of chrome/billet wheels.
My original intentions were to paint te truck perfect purple and do some silver star pin stripping on it.


Then I found this and codeh fgt kinda threw it in my face that this might be cool.
Either one looks good, though I think that blue ish color would look good if it was a bit more silver imo.
got any night shots of it? it probably looks plain silver when the sun is not on it. i think its a bamf ass color. do it already i want to see it done :read:
Bullshit. Right now I'm like no mo joe.
Racing season coming up, trying to get this bitch painted. I'm more broke than bohall's fender ):