Welsh907's winter build

Please tell who ever did the vid to hold the phone the correct way. :facepalm:

PS, looking good. Coming along nicely.
Please tell who ever did the vid to hold the phone the correct way. :facepalm:

PS, looking good. Coming along nicely.

Haha I had to set the phone on our press to take the video since I was the only one in the shop. Lol
Thanks man. A ton of loose ends to get finished up.
I won't get pissy. Just leave it out of my build thread.

I didn't want all my shit under the truck bc if something happened with it there's physically no way for me to access it. I also didnt want it bolted to the rear wall bc of my sub enclosure, so the console was my only place left to have it look good and be inside from the weather.
I understand your reasoning but anything that would impair the truck from moving up and down other than the actual vu4 manifold or computer will be underneath the truck still. So the only actual thing being made easier to access is the manifold valve and computer.

My main reason for addressing the placement was how much air line you're going to have running everywhere on the truck.

If something happens and a line is ruptured, you're not only getting underneath to do a repair. You also have to redo work on the interior.

I've had my run of the mill ptc airline problems on a daily and that's why I don't run it on my truck now.

I can understand no wanting it in the weather but the manifold and computer as well as the connectors are weather proof.

Do as you wish, it is your truck. I've had my life lesson on making hiding shit a priority. If you plan to rarely ever drive it, then you'll probably be fine. I you plan to actually drive it, I'd make it as simple a setup as possible. With the least amount of connections
I dont live in the land of the iceman
But mine just all day baking in the sun and rained on every single day. Here in LA it must rain 3 times a week and full of humidity.
I wash mine with soap and water,pressure wash it whatever
I get what you're saying. The nice thing is that if something goes wrong with the vu4 or Ecu, it's right there. 4 screw ad I have full access. I'd rather not be laying out in the rain or dirt on a shitty day when all it was was a plug came loose on the Ecu or a fitting on the vu4 wasn't all the way in.

And honestly, dirt isn't the real problem. The problem is people in alaska are fucking thieves and there's no alarm on my bed. I've literally seen people break out windows for avs switch boxes and even one case where a guy cut out a guys drivers rear wheel well trying to steal wheels. If someone wanted this stuff, they'd literally have to break into the truck, take my seats out and take the console all before my alarm woke me up.

As far as all the air line, if I had a back seat, if worry about it. But I don't, not will I. My truck isn't a taxi as everyone else thinks.
Ill have three lines in the cab vent on each side. One front, one rear, on both sides and then a fill on one side and exhaust on the other. I won't be tucking it in the carpet. How clean my back seat looks isn't as important as it is for me to have everything readily available.

What do you run on your truck now for airline?
If someone is cutting out a wheel well to jack some rims than you putting the vu4 in the center console isnt gonna mean shit... if it were me I'd bust your window out open the door and rip the cup holder out and rip the rest of it off and jack your shit. If somebody steals something they don't care what gets wrecked as long as the get what they want. you know all the wires to the alarm are under the dashso I could cut your wires and you wouldnt know it happened if you were sleeping.

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They'd have to take the console. My shit is bolted the fuck in there. Won't be a problem at night because my truck is always garaged. So I don't have worries, but in the event it has to stay outside, I want to make it as difficult as possible.
This shits turning into Gmfs quickly. Might as well quit posting here and just pm Brett when I have questions since everyone here wants to be a fgt about everything.