Static NBS Thread 99-07c

Ok thanks guys. So I have shackles and hangers right now. Should I do a flip with lift shackles or stock shackles? Trying to get as close as I can to the pic I posted ^^^
A flip is 6"
Flip+drop shackles is 7"-8" depending on 1" or 2" shackles
Same goes for drop hangers
Flip and lift shackles will be 4"-5" as Jared stated
Flip and lift hangers would go the same


That 6/10, hopefully next week I'll do 7" up front... not really whole 10" since pumkin is already resting on bed, what yall think?

Love it!!!! Can't wait til I can change my rear and slam it! I need more low.....

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Sensatrac shocks can suck it by the way folks, WAY too soft for the rears! The belltech was too stiff, these are too soft, I smacked frame with 20psi the other day in a spot I have NEVER hit before, and I've traveled that way quite a bit.
Don't expect bitching from me buddy, not my dd anymore so reason I'm doing it lol

Xoxo Jared lol

I still love ya, but I remember the trip to were freaking out then, imagine that much lower now with those wheels, your asshole will be on permapucker