rear bag setup on the low


New member
Nov 3, 2012
So we have been working on the ride and wanted to get it lower in the back. Currently its sitting 8" in front and 13" in the back, here is the setup. How can we bag it on the low or should we just remove the blocks and drop it?

so to bag it, all I would need are some bags and it will replace the coils and shocks? I ask because I see them with and with out shocks
That's not the debate. Shockwave is an expensive option for bags. Bag plates and a simple bag would be sufficient and cheaper. And you said "imo". Do explain why you feel they are a better option. The only thing I see as an advantage is the eas of installment. So where plates need welding all he needs is to bolt the shockwave.

Christian, look at the fs9000 bags. They may be a better option for you over bellow bags.
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Nothing was suggested before I wrote "shockwaves". That was my suggestion. And yes, it was written for ease of installation, appearance, and the air over shock setup would fill up that space better.
yes cheap, its not supposed to drive like a cadillac just want to clean it up and get as much space back as possible.
Two bags to replace those springs, get a couple compressors, a tank, valves, dot line, monetary rocker switch, wire, pressure switch for tank, amd you'll be rollin. I have three viair 380s which all need new leader hoses that I'll sell real cheap. Throw you in a 160psi pressure switch too. Jared and I can kinda help you out on what you'll need for sure.
I'm sending Jared pictures of them later this afternoon. $50 is all I want.