yo where do I get more pics of the girl?
Saw this at our gym last week when I went to go pick up my graduation gown. So sick
ugly as fuck
Really? This is a truck you can't stop looking at. This hurts my eyes.
:drool: One of my favorite lowered nnbs. I don't think Iv ever seen just the bottom plastics painted like this. Doesn't look bad at all.
Quoted because it needed to be said again. Smh.
to each there own.
not trying to be a dick, but the incorrect use of their, they're, and there aggravates me. the same with your and you're. we all learned how to use these in third grade if not earlier.
Then you have those who think that anything ending in an 's,' whether it be plural or possessive, needs an apostrophe.
They can't differentiate between the dog's owner and the fact that there are 2 dog's. :lol: