Post the Truck you just cant quit looking at:

Never once, I had 15s and sold them because I didn't like having to run spacers with as much as I drive my truck.

Lol Darren is running my old 15s, and its already been established he's crazy from previous vehicle setups as well as his current. He also just bought 20x12s too because daily on 3" spacers wears shit out fast.

That guy was on the best crack I've ever heard of. 16.5x12s are for sale all over in Ca because you can't get but a select few tires for them and they sell for dirt cheap, like $400-800.

I found another set last night in TN 6x5.5 wanted 2900 and had some very bald ass 35s. Welds are like gold out here, I've never seen a 15x12 or 16.5x12 for less than about 1400 with no tires. I even went as far as creating a wanted posting in Cali, to see if someone would ship lol

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I found another set last night in TN 6x5.5 wanted 2900 and had some very bald ass 35s. Welds are like gold out here, I've never seen a 15x12 or 16.5x12 for less than about 1400 with no tires. I even went as far as creating a wanted posting in Cali, to see if someone would ship lol

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That's sad, because x10s and x12s are everywhere for sale since x14 forces became available. There are only a select few people who still want the old x12 welds specifically for the old school look.
What the fucking fuck



Carolina getting their hands on the weld look. Lmao RIP

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Lenny is from South Louisiana, Lake Charles specifically lol.
That's ugly as fuck. Now if it was on a 10" FTS I'd be drooling

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That looks so try-hard lol. Is everyone on the east coast too broke to buy a quality lift?

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