Offical Dog Pic Thread

I would have to crop ears and dock the tail brother has one with natural ears, and she looks goofy as shit! Good dog though, and protective if the children.

Sent from Tapashit
My best friend and his wife just got a GSP. He's 7 weeks old and cool as hell. He's playful but plenty chill most of the time too. His name's Cooper





He likes to chill in our shadows lol

Sent from TapaTwat
More pics of the little guy. I've never been around a GSP but I might jave to consider one. I really wish I could get a dog now tho


Sent from TapaTwat
More pics of the little guy. I've never been around a GSP but I might jave to consider one. I really wish I could get a dog now tho

If you get one get ready to exercise it. they are high exercise dogs. Even at 5 1/2 years old i still walk both of mine 3-6 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY. rain, snow, sun, they dont care. and if you dont, they can get a little destructive.
If you get one get ready to exercise it. they are high exercise dogs. Even at 5 1/2 years old i still walk both of mine 3-6 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY. rain, snow, sun, they dont care. and if you dont, they can get a little destructive.

MILES? Damn! Lol I'll have to let my buddy know. Don't think they're planning on that much :rofl:
If you get one get ready to exercise it. they are high exercise dogs. Even at 5 1/2 years old i still walk both of mine 3-6 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY. rain, snow, sun, they dont care. and if you dont, they can get a little destructive.

fuck that. lol

mine is very relaxed, he goes out in the morning, is in his cage till lunch runs around a little at lunch, then cage until im home from work, then he runs around for about 4 hours, and is ready for bed lol he will go to the bottom of the stairs and wait showing he is ready for bed.
She has a clean bill of health, vet was VERY impressed with how well she healed, and the amount of care we gave her. He couldn't believe her age, he thought she was younger. We got her eating better and she shed some weight. So glad she is doing much better!
Our bulldog and then our pit mix we rescued a few months ago

Then just added this lil guy today. Border collie Australian Shepard mix. So far he's cool as hell