Offical Dog Pic Thread

post op 1 month after big surgery
yes sir, she got them removed a couple weeks ago IIRC

We do NOT allow her to walk on her own on the hardwood floor or tile, the carped and grass she is fine, but we walk her outside so that she doesn't run! My youngest dog's littermate, who a friend owns, had the same surgery, and the dog did not take! We do everything in our power to insure she does well!
I don't care if you like, no worries! They aren't for every one. But if you haven't researched EB's, you need to. They are very expensive. They have a shit ton of medical issues, resulting from health issues!

If you don't get one from a reputable breeder, you can have a nightmare caring for one. We've had friends have mucho issues with their dogs. Any dog can have issues, but some are worse than others. Same with French Bulldogs. Pit Bull types as well. Terriers and Bulldogs in general are a handful.

I love Labs, not a fan of Golden Retrievers personally. German Shepherds are one of my favorite breeds. Very smart, very protective, high energy.

My dogs are lazy as shit typically, they are all three sleeping next to me on the couch. But they can be hyper if you want them to be. SUPER needy!

Lazy dogs to consider is a Australian Shepherd, Blue Heeler. I've had them. Doberman too. Really it depends on how you deal with them though.
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Honestly my Great Dane is one of the laziest dogs I've had, she likes to play for about 2 hours total a day, the rest of the time she just lays around and chews on her toys

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I don't care if you like, no worries! They aren't for every one. But if you haven't researched EB's, you need to. They are very expensive. They have a shit ton of medical issues, resulting from health issues!

If you don't get one from a reputable breeder, you can have a nightmare caring for one. We've had friends have mucho issues with their dogs. Any dog can have issues, but some are worse than others. Same with French Bulldogs. Pit Bull types as well. Terriers and Bulldogs in general are a handful.

I love Labs, not a fan of Golden Retrievers personally. German Shepherds are one of my favorite breeds. Very smart, very protective, high energy.

My dogs are lazy as shit typically, they are all three sleeping next to me on the couch. But they can be hyper if you want them to be. SUPER needy!

Lazy dogs to consider is a Australian Shepherd, Blue Heeler. I've had them. Doberman too. Really it depends on how you deal with them though.

i have read about breathing issues because of their snout and some hip issues can develope.

i never though of doberman being lazy. im hoping that i can keep them well behaved. black labs are very common around here, i remember my aunt having them and being very hyper as puppies though.

there are 2 important things i need to make sure i train well, first that they cannot go upstairs in the house. previous person ruined the carpet up there with dogs, so landlord doesnt want dogs upstairs.

secondly that they go in the feild next to the house to use the bathroom so i dont have to pick up dog shit.
My dogs are trained to shit around the perimeter of my fence, they NEVER shit in the middle of the yard, or by the areas we walk to the gate. It's all around the back half perimeter.

Baby gates work wonders!
I have a lab and she is pretty laid back unless I want her to start working or playing. She is pretty smart and has taken well to all of the training she has gone through so far. Labs are pretty easy to care for and for the most part are healthy pups.
Training will be my steepest learning curve whenever I get a dog since I've never trained one. I'll most likely get a lab or a german shephard. Even high energy dogs will learn when it's a time to play and when it's a time to chill