Thanks for the tips dudes. Pretty sure I banged the tranny ex-member earlier, that is a feeling you don't forget.
Also this has the fucking annoying ass loud door chime, and I want to unplug that wire too disable it. Can I do this safely without disconnecting the battery? This thing has an aftermarket alarm on it that FREAKS whenever I move a battery bolt and it's annoying as fuck and I don't want to deal with it
If it has the gmos harness to keep the factory bose system, there is a little adjustable screw that controls the chime loudness. I can grab pics of mine soonish
Well fuck me. Went to grab it out of the truck and it wasn't there. Remembered we had it out so I could solder harnesses together, garage shit got all moved around since, and now i can't find $80 in harnesses :ayfkm:
But the old one was in the truck still. It's just a black box with wires from both ends. Probably labeled GMOS - 04
Just pop the top cover off, and it's the blue head.
On my new one, the adjustment was next to one of the plugs facing out and you could adjust it without taking the cover off. Left was lower, right was louder iirc