My first truck! 04

So mine looked pooh?

Nah, yours and your uncle tony's are the only light ones I've ever liked

Sent from TapaTwat
No word from paint shop today so I am expecting one Monday afternoon. Also, the guy that was going to paint my mirrors wants 170 so I'm back on the hunt. I did get new 55w ballasts in today and installed them. Much better. No more flickering or one light coming on. And I went by the shop that did my brow because I was going to go ahead and have them put 35% on the windshield and I found that they packed their shit and got out of town so I'm looking for a new tint shop as well.
word. It was one of those "homie hookup"/sketchy shops and I'm sure they either A) got busted for doing illegal tint jobs or B) went broke trying to save their asses on all the shitty HID/LED kits they sold.
Finally got a break in the rain for the weekend and the next week so I gave the truck a quick wash this afternoon. Then I sold the clear headlights and threw the stocks back on for the time being. Then I went to a pretty big car/truck show this evening in Dallas with a local truck group that my buddies are in. It seemed to be started as a classic car/hotrod show but Dallas Dropped/Lifted Trucks, Dallas County Trucks, and a few other truck clubs showed up. Probably 200-300 vehicles out there.


then I went to another weekly truck meet up in Plano but it was pretty wimpy, only about 10 trucks and it was mostly the :backfgt: kind. Ended up just snapping some pictures of my truck and ditching the meet.
