My 2011 GMC Crew Build (Bayou Betty)

She will be static until January and will be back on the road in 2 weeks. So I will still roll around for awhile. There is a 3-4 month waiting period to even get into NFamus and then depending on the build, since mine is a little more detailed, will be 3-4 months. That is why the dates are set like they are.
one freaking week...

so I will just drop this here, I know some of you have seen the post on instagram and fb

That would be my narrowed axles. They went with dutchman over moser due to a growing relationship with the company and apparently a few spline issues with Moser in the past.

in other news...I will be saying my prayers today since my house was struck by lightning...FML. In the pic below is up towards the roof. It actually hit the side you see, came out below and struck the side of the house. Luckily, my wife has been checking everything and only a few things are fried fortunately and none of it is major.
yeah fortunately it just fried a few electrical things and made some nice burn marks. Mostly everything has been repaired electrically inside and my father in law will be coming down sometime to help me replace some of the burnt wood. I was just reading also about peoples houses burning from it, so if these are the only issues I have to deal with from a lightning strike then I will be happy.

I would have been furious if my house would have burnt and my truck right before I got home to put everything back together...but luckily very minimal damage and a few electrical things fried, but came out pretty good for the most part and my wife was okay because it struck the house while she was in it so yeah...I will just say my prayers, count my blessings, fix the problems and move forward.
she was walking through the house when it happened. She said between the sound and the house shaking it made her legs a little weak and brought her to a knee. She freaked needless to say...
Teaser...even for me actually


Lessons learned:
1. Cant run helpers with a big lip
2. Apparently people don't narrow nnbs axles, instead nbs and swap into nnbs (not sure how true this is)
3. Truck won't start...will get back to this tomorrow because if its not the battery then I have bigger issues than I want
4. Helper brackets suck to install/dismantle by yourself

Hopefully get some more progress tomorrow
Oh yeah...more than I bargained for. The top helper bracket on the passenger side is going to drive me insane getting off and my wife tried to help, but yeah...

My battery is so dead it won't receive a charge to save its life, so that's why if the optima I put in tomorrow doesn't help the starting issues...I'm about to have some more serious issues.
Dentist today, but if it doesn't go too bad, I plan to have this thing out of the garage at least. Determined to get the damn front end on also today, tired of starring at it in pieces all over the house.