Lets see your garages



The dingy 20x20 that is my current tool storage. Zero room, original '51 timbers and some hack romex work from the PO to the panel.

I have the machine tools a couple houses down in temporary storage until it becomes bigger.
Bump....don't personally have a garage but have been browsing them and dreaming. Need to post up any found as well just for ideas:
Saw this one on Adams forums. A little over done for me but would def take a few ideas and like to have some things out of it...





the floor gives me a headache, besides for all the clutter, i like all of his storage stuff. ive been slowly working on that myself.

Yeah, floor does the same to me. Would have been better just black and grey or something. Like I said, some of its good and other is not so much....there's a Facebook page that features people's garages, I need to save some pics off it and post them up.

Ready to have a house with a garage even if its a smaller garage.